Thursday, March 1, 2007

Reflection on Speech 1

I felt my speech went very well. It seemed that I kept the class’ attention because the eye contact was great when I would look up at different people. The class was very responsive to what I was saying. My projection was good and I think I did a good job of not saying ‘um’. I think the process I used to deliver my speech worked well and it was well organized. I was not terribly nervous; I was more worried about going over my time limit than anything. I did have one person say that they think my way of being nervous is by getting excessively bubbly. I try to keep a happy face to engage the audience, if you are not excited about your subject no one else will be, that’s how I see it. If I could do it over I would stand away from the podium because using the podium is a crutch for many people. I think I did do well not leaning on the podium though.

My goal for the next speech is to be a little bit calmer because being overly excited about a subject could be distracting to some people. I just need to tell myself to breath and relax a little bit and just speak to the class. I think if I psych myself up I will be calmer and more relaxed.

I also need to not rely on my note cards so much. My goal for the next speech is to have the majority of it memorized so I don’t have to look down so often. The only thing I want to have to worry about putting on my note cards is the introductory and conclusion so I can get that right.

I think the organization of this speech was great. I want to keep concentrating on good organization so that people will be able to follow what I’m saying and talking about.

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